Group 1

robine Demographer, Research Director Inserm, and Professor at EPHE
Cermes3 et MMDN (U1198), Associate Researcher, Ined (MSE)

Contact: jean-marie.robine(at)

Phone: 04 67 14 33 85

Group 1: Metabolic impacts in tauopathies


Jean-Marie Robine is a Research Director at Inserm, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (, within the Cermes3 Research group in Paris and the Unit 710 in Montpellier ( where he heads the research team Biodemography of longevity and vitality. He is also a Study Director at the advanced school Ecole pratique des hautes études ( in Paris. He studies human longevity, with the aim of understanding the relations between health and longevity. In particular, he measures the impact that the increase in adult life durations may have on the health status of the elderly population.

Since its creation in 1989, he has been the coordinator of the International Network on Health Expectancy (REVES), which brings together more some 100 researchers worldwide ( He is the project leader of the Joint Action European Life and Health Expectancy Information System (, which provides analysis of disability-free life expectancies in the European Union (Healthy Life Years-HLY). He is co-responsible for the development of the International Database on Longevity (IDL) in association with the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Rostock) and Ined (Paris). He is one of the principal investigators of the Genetic of Healthy Ageing project (GEHA) and the project leader of the healthy longevity project granted by AXA Research Fund: the Five-Country Oldest Old Project (5-COOP). He is one of the Directors of the new French Research Consortium on ageing and longevity (GDR CNRS 3662, 2014-2017).
